Luís Manuel Pinto Exploring what it means to be human by finding where our humanity resides in our bodies. May 1st, 2020 [the offer is closed] Using the body both as a sensing instrument and as a metaphor, I'd like to explore with those who join me, where our felt-sense of humanity might reside. if it had a "home" in our bodies, this humanity, where does it reside? Does it live in our hearts, our heads, our hands? Is it different for each of us? What does it mean to perceive our humanity from different places? How might it feel to initiate movement from that point? This is an invitation to look both at the lighter and darker shades of being human and to create a shared picture of our experiences and accounts. Where, when and how?
May 1st, exact time TBD on Zoom max 9 people apply - here Comments are closed.
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