Our meeting on the Quality of Our Presence still resonates strongly within. In those precious two hours, we have witnessed the power of opening up to our humanness and just being in presence with that – to see what would emerge... And what emerged has been an experience of what we can BE in that togetherness… Messy, beautiful, strong, sometimes clear, sometimes lost and tired, but always searching, within and without. Is there a better way of getting to know our humanness other than practicing it? Practicing it with all of our hearts and minds. We are so thankful for humans joining together in these spaces – being so open and present to create the space for us all to be. Sharing a quote made the day after from Delfo: "We’ve been in this space of presence yesterday, together with wonderful Human Beings. We’ve been exploring #Witness, #Withness, #Togetherness through the lenses of our stories. We have honored each other’s journeys with intention, presence, caring love, compassion. We’ve exposed our vulnerabilities and entrusted them to others, in a space of surprisingly huge Trust. We’ve used intentional listening, trust and yes, love, to know each other. We’ve been. Again, the meaning of the word “stranger” has to be redefined." As we move forward...lets remind ourselves of the open invitation: To contemplate how the quality of our presence affects our relationships with ourself and with each other, to reflect on what the ‘layers’ and ‘masks’ are that you may be ‘wearing’ that may disguise the inner essence of your humanness. How may that inhibit our presence and limit the access to what’s truly important to us at our core. And… what could release the potential of our humanness? At the end of this experience we invited the sharing of a 'parting gift' in the form of a question to take away. A question to ask to yourself, perhaps to others, and maybe even as a question for humanity?... One that could allow you to explore further the essence of your experience of humanness and open up the possibility for humanity to be explored further beyond. We encourage you to ask the questions that are meaningful – to see what opens up and emerges for you and others. We shared some of these questions here – take a look and build on these… ask more – and listen carefully… feel how you and others may benefit from your humanness and stimulate further contributions and sharing. If you feel compelled to engage with other humans on this journey, to share reflections, questions, expressions, intentions, contentions, synergies, or just to ‘be’ (human) – feel free to share in these channels: Facebook &/or Instagram &/or Linkedin &/or email… or openly in your own way: #whatisittobehuman Thank you for BEING human with us Humans being... ... Signing off with the 'parting gift' of some words contemplated earlier on that day in preparing for presence: The echoes of the sea-shore… The shadows of my soul… Combining clumsily, the fragments Of stories yet untold The expansiveness of being - so suffocated by our maze When just a walk with one another Could release this heady haze Be free, be open, breathe… …let nature and others in And so too with(in) yourself Be bold, be kind, Just be… Comments are closed.